Friday, June 20, 2008

Work Hard. Play Hard.

"Work hard. Play hard."
This is the motto that Qualcomm has chimed at the interns all summer. And thus far, that is exactly what I have done.

The fun started last weekend when some friends and I decided to head to a beach for the day. We chose to try Mission Beach, which is one of the most popular beaches for the youth of San Diego. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't very cooperative, and we ended up grabbing lunch instead. The lunch was at a rooftop restaurant parallel to the beach, and I had an incredible seafood bisque. The restaurant was in such a scenic location, I mental note to go again around sunset!

My roommate Anne and I have also started a grilling tradition on Thursday nights. We are so lucky to have a beautiful pool and cabana area for use at our apartment complex. Last night we marinated some salmon and cooked up some cheeseburgers on the grill with our friends Kelsey, Luke, and Andrew. We finished off the fun night by taking a dip in the hot tub.

Today at work was busy busy busy. The day began with a phone meeting with my old manager from Qualcomm Boulder, Bhavna Woods. She was very supportive of my choice to not rejoin the Boulder office in the fall. I am thinking that with a full engineering schedule, a research position, and my student program manager job for the Women in Engineering Program, I will have my hands plenty full! We also talked about me potentially joining her as a keynote speaker at the national Society of Women Engineers convention this fall!

I also had a design review on a project I have been working on for awhile which went very well. I celebrated by joining some friends for a free box lunch and concert on the Qualcomm lawn. "More free food?" you ask. Qualcomm is never in short supply of free food for its employees! The concert and picnic event today is one of many over the summer called QSOLs(Qualcomm Summer on the Lawn). The band performers were from Qualcomm, reinforcing my conclusion that Qualcomm employees are full of surprises!

Tonight we are planning to head to downtown La Jolla, affectionately known as the "the Cove". The area is full of amazing restaurants and bars. Some of my guy friends are at the Padres game tonight and will meet us at a restaurant for dinner and drinks after it's over. I am looking forward to going to a free Padres game with all of the interns in a few weeks (just another example of how Qualcomm spoils us).

Tomorrow I hope to continue fulfilling the Qualcomm intern motto more. After a full day of working hard, I plan to play hard at the beach tomorrow with my fair share of beach volleyball and chips & salsa. Work hard. Play hard.

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