Sunday, June 8, 2008

"Ambition is a dream with a V8 engine." ~Elvis

After a slow start during my first week at Qualcomm, I hardly expected the roaring pace I would adjust to for the second week. The image that comes to mind when I reflect is a watch face with the hands wildly spinning around and around again. Finding the highlights of the last week is difficult to break down, but I’ve done my best below!

I’ve now made friends with 4 of the 13 shuttle drivers, who drive various (fuel-efficient!) cars between the buildings that comprise Qualcomm campus. The grounds are literally so massive that one must call shuttles to move from one building to another. Yet the sheer size of Qualcomm bothers me very little, as I find it offers some advantages. First, I have the opportunity to walk to buildings close to mine. These short walks are not only a welcomed burst of exercise, but offer me small opportunities to improve my summer tan! Second, I get to interact with employees from all levels of Qualcomm. As I was riding between buildings for a meeting on Thursday, I found myself singing old Elvis tunes with Albert the shuttle driver, while a vice president of Qualcomm sat in the back drumming his hands to the beat on the seat cushion. However, I must admit, it is a bit challenging to do work in the electronics lab when the song “Can’t Help Falling in Love” or “Hound Dog” runs through my mind like a broken record.

As you may or may not know, I am sitting on the QWISE (Qualcomm Women Science in Engineering) board this summer. I am the first intern to do so, and I am so very grateful that the incredible women on the board share their time and wisdom with me twice a month. Perhaps the most exciting event at the board meeting this week was updating the board members on a mentorship program I have been co-directing with my work associate Juhi the last few months. I truly believe that much of my young success has come from having fantastic female mentors along the way (beginning with my loving mom and older sister Christy, followed by the director of the Women in Engineering Program at CU, Beverly Louie, followed by my manager at Qualcomm Boulder, Bhavna Woods). I understand that this may sound slightly corny, but these women each inspired me in unique ways. Thus, due to the phenomenal impact they have had on my life, my coworker Juhi and I decided to create a mentor program for all female interns in Qualcomm this summer. The task is no easy feat (given that there are about 100 female interns nation wide), but I am very enthusiastic to watch my hard work these last few months launch into a meaningful program! And of course, we are busy planning a few activities for the mentor pairs, including a cupcake and pottery painting party at a local craft shop!

Mid-week, my roommate Anne and I decided to drive to Old Town San Diego and taste some cuisine from a local Mexican restaurant famed to have the best margaritas and guacamole in the area. We met some of Anne’s family there and had a great evening full of laughs and stories. Delicious Mexican food is a general theme I noticing in my adventures in San Diego this summer (this comes as little surprise, given that it is a short 30 minute drive across the border to Tijuana, Mexico)! But don’t worry, family! I haven’t made THAT particular adventure since I have arrived in this paradise. I also had superb chicken tacos and fried fruit burritos last night from a hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant, while overlooking the ocean and sunset. Spectacular.

Today I traveled to historic Balboa park with a few friends from work. The park sits directly alongside the San Diego Zoo, and is literally littered with art museums, botanical gardens, and culture. Today there was a free Georgia O’Keefe art exhibit open to the public, as well as a number of cultural dancers performing a hula in traditional clothing. Between the gorgeous mid-70 degree weather, free organ concert (from the largest outdoor organ on the globe), and the cultural fusion present everywhere, the whole park felt very similar to Boulder’s Pearl Street Mall. It was really fantastic to be a part of everyone celebrating creativity and diversity.

When I forecast forward to next week’s adventures, I try not to get too excited. It is almost overwhelming when I think about the potential each week here holds. Perhaps the farthest I can look right now is to getting up tomorrow morning and starting the Monday morning routine: teeth brushed, get ready for work, read the New York Times on my computer over a cup of free coffee (compliments of Qualcomm, of course!), and gearing up to conquer another tough bit of computer code or hardware malfunction. And if I am exceptionally lucky, perhaps I will have Albert as my shuttle driver tomorrow morning so I can get a good dose of Elvis to kick of the Monday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We all liked seeing your pictures of you and your friends and the CEO.
Love, Mom, Dad, Natalie and Ryan